A road leading to the ocean with clouds in the background.

Your Guide Through Divorce Challenges

Your Guide Through Divorce Challenges

At Comeiro Mediation, we understand that divorce is a life-altering journey filled with emotional and practical challenges. Our divorce coaching and consulting services are designed to empower you to navigate this path successfully. We offer support, guidance, goal setting, and strategies to help you cope with the changes that accompany divorce. Continue reading to learn how we can assist you.



Discover your inner strength and achieve the life you deserve with personalized coaching.

Contemplating Divorce

Contemplating Divorce

In this phase, we work with you to uncover your expectations for the relationship, differentiate everyday stress from insurmountable issues, and enhance your communication skills. Our coaching aims to provide clarity on whether you can enhance your current relationship or if divorce is the best option.

Divorce Support

Divorce Support

During divorce coaching, we collaboratively identify critical issues and formulate a personalized plan to set you up for success. We focus on improving your ability to communicate your needs and feelings effectively. Whether you're in the early stages of separation or already considering mediators or attorneys, we're here to guide you.

Post-Divorce Recovery

Post-Divorce Recovery

While divorce is challenging, it's also an opportunity for personal growth and happiness. We help you discover clarity, renew your focus on values and dreams, and outline the steps to achieve them. Our coaching extends to exploring new career paths, rediscovering hobbies, enhancing your physical well-being, dating, co-parenting, and embracing your evolving identity.

Navigating New Challenges

Navigating New Challenges

Your post-divorce life may introduce new challenges, such as new romantic relationships, marriage, and blending families. We have extensive experience in this phase and can assist you through the process.

Group Coaching

Group Coaching

Join our group coaching sessions to connect with like-minded individuals and work together toward achieving your goals. In a supportive community, you can transform your life with the guidance of our expert coaches.

Self-Care Coaching

Self-Care Coaching

Are you neglecting your self-care needs and feeling burnt out? Our background in exercise science allows us to support your wellness goals and promote body positivity. Our self-care coaching helps you establish a sustainable self-care routine, making yourself a priority once again and avoiding the unhealthy "divorce diet."

At Comeiro Mediation, we're committed to being your partner in your journey to personal growth and happiness, offering guidance every step of the way.